Now! I have been thinking a lot about dating, traditional dating, and I hate it. I can't do it. Back when I was working the most HORRIBLE job I've ever had, men would hit on me all the time, pretty much every job I had men were hitting on me even the old, nasty mid-life crisis nasties. I don't mean to sound cocky, hell, at the time I didn't see what the hell they saw in me. Anyway, my excuse for all of these men was that "I was on a dating strike." Was I? No. In fact, chances are I was leaving a woman in my bed or leaving her bed that very morning or two hours before I walked in the door of my job. I have been through every logical excuse to tell men, and that is the best line I've got in my arsenal. Telling guys that you're a lesbian opens the flood gates to either their world of 1) Complete and utter confusion about the topic. 2) Their arousal. 3) Their anger and frustration 4) And the rare occurance of indifference. And don't be fooled, a lot of times they start out with indifference and end up in one of those other categories.

Now, after being SUPERlesbian around my friends, and a lesbi-slut to the lesbian community, I am finding my self at a new intersection. I'm burnt out. I used to be the lesbian advocate, now I just want to say anything. Where I don't want to mess with anyone. Not a soul. Man or woman. I found myself feeling asexual. FYI, the actual definition of asexuality is, according to Wikipedia: "a sexual orientation describing individuals who do not experience sexual attraction or do not have interest in or desire for sex." Cool. I identify with the last part. Reading that BLOWS MY MIND! I couldn't imagine never having experienced sexual attraction. Jeez, I almost don't even want to say anything about it ever again. I whole heartedly think it's GOT to be a phase. I hope. So instead of declaring, yet another sexual orientation label. I am going with a state of mind label. I am on a dating strike...unless she's really hot. Lol.