I have been sexually harassed at every job that I've ever had, and it SUCKS! In my experience, it's been mostly from men. I just wanted to point out that it sucks. It happens even when you don't dress like a ho or say/entertain inappropriate conversation, it just happens. I remember dressing more like a shabby bum so as to bring less attention to myself, but that doesn't work. It's not that you have to be attractive, you just have to be what "they" want. "They" are predators. You didn't actually have to "do" anything. "They" do it all themselves. What really ticks me off are the women that don't want to believe you or say that, in some way, shape or form, you are enabling the situation. It's hard when the people that are supposed to be there to protect you don't want to hear it.
I quit my jobs only when the situation has gotten so bad that I don't feel comfortable being there. Like it's gotten so bad where you feel like you can't say anything to anybody.
My main option when I'm put in a horrible situation is to play it off like nothing happened, like "You're silly, man. It's all good." *hug* or *pat* I over compensate to make sure that a) they don't get violent and b) to make sure that they don't pick up on the fact that I'm completely mortified of you. If I freak out then you'll know there's a problem and might try to stay longer to "talk to me" or proactively start a lie to protect your name. Oh well...
I just wanted to express myself on that. It SUCKS!!
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