So, I was talking to my friend and she made a comment that I took completely personal. From I could remember, there has been a fine line defining where I “fit in” or rather don’t. I have been too “white” to be “black” and too “black” to be “white.” There was a commercial that came on television for a movie about Notorious BIG, and she became really exited and told me that she wanted to see it. Naturally, that meant the she wanted me to go with her to see. I, particularly, had no interest in seeing the movie. She proceeded to tell me that she knew I wouldn’t want to see it because it was a “black movie.”
WTF, people?! She continued that if there’s a movie with black people in it then I don’t want to see it, and that I only want to see “white” movies.
I have a strong point of view on this topic because it has plagued my existence for the majority of my life. It boils down to the fact that there are particular interests that people have categorized into races. FOR EXAMPLE: If someone likes classical music, speaks properly adhering to grammatical guidelines/rules, and likes to read, they are classified as stereotypically white. If someone likes rap music, uses slang, likes to smoke weed, and constantly wears braids, they are stereotypically black. This is absurd. Anyway, this is part of the key that perpetuates the racial divide in our society.
Racially stereotypical movies are everywhere, and NOT just in movies but in TV sitcoms as well. There are two aspects that I want to point out: the plot and characters. The plot of stereotypical black movies is that there are generally there is someone always trying to work their way up the “financial ladder”, maybe not in tiers, but in theory. In stereotypical white movies, the plots vary a lot more. As far as the character’s characteristics, in “black” movies, generally rich black characters are the antagonists. They black men cheat, leave, an
d/or beat their significant other. Most wealthy black people have done the wrong things to get to the level of success that they have. Therefore the idea of black successful people tends to have a negative connotation associated with it. The movie is generally faith-based, and people use more slang. There, of course, are always exceptions like Two Can Play that Game. In white movies there, of course, can have similar themes and plots, but there are also MANY other movies that don’t have these elements in the movie or sitcom.
My friend started to say that the reason why I wouldn’t want to see “black movies” is because of the way that I was brought up. My lifestyle. She believed that I don’t like those movies because I didn’t live that life. It was then assumed that just because I didn’t have a life like hers or close to hers that I had a “white” life. Which is a negative comment for me because I’m black regardless of background.
My point of view was, and is, that these stereotypical movies of “black” though they are generally funny, help to give black people a perception that rich is negative, and only through miracles, will their situation actually change for the better. They never credit themselves because of religious convictions, which is fine. I am not getting into a religious debate. I hate to see the stereotypes in films, so I don’t like to watch them.
This all stemmed from the fact that I didn’t want to watch the Notorious BIG movie. HAD she asked why, I would have told her that the reason why I didn’t want to see the movie is because I’m a
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