"Las relaciones entre ambos países se rompieron en 2008 tras una incursión del Ejército colombiano en territorio ecuatoriano para desmantelar un campamento de las FARC"
-El Pais
English: "Colombia and Ecuador agree to reestablish diplomatic contact."
Wow. I knew they were going to have to do that eventually. It's about time, though I have to admit, I was worried. Lol. Stubborn boys will be stubborn boys, ya know? I had mostly been reading blogs about it, granted they were in Spanish, I highly doubt there are many people that pay attention to it.
This hopefully will work out in Latin America's favor...hopefully.
Wow. I can't believe I missed that in the news. I took a Latin American Political Systems class last year and had to follow them in the news constantly. Well, hopefully it's working out.