Wednesday, March 24, 2010


You can feel the shift, that's why I went looking for it. Socialnomics, a new (at least to me) coined terms that talks about how social media networks are replacing older forms of "hardcopy" media. It's true that in schools, Wikipedia is an acceptable source of information though there are some professors that hate it, mostly because they are actively reject new technologies and restrict their abilities by choosing to be ignorant. I have joked around with my friend about doing "research" which means a less than 1 minute Google search that allows me to sift through the options that "best fit" my search request. People don't really research. Most people, including myself, rarely did book research even when the professor made it required. All you had to do was take one quote from the book, cite it, and bam. The majority of other information was from the net. It was faster, and I didn't have to leave home.

The newspaper industry is seeing a decline in sales, and specifically in the gay community there papers that have been running for decades, like Southern Voice, have shut down. So the question is now, people are able to hide themselves and shut out a lot of information and things they don't want to see, how do we reach everyone? I wouldn't be surprised to see a Social Network Manager pop up in job openings. Someone just to keep things like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace (Screw you Rupert Murdoch!) and YouTube updated throughout the day, everyday. How tedious, but it would be an easy job for the schmuck that literally prefers to do that crap all day, and it would be highly beneficial for businesses.