Saturday, September 3, 2011

You still just don't understand...

dont be a wanker Pictures, Images and Photos

Even though Americans hear rumors of what other people in other countries think of us, we don't really internalize it because "who are they?" I will list this plainly so that it can be easily followed.

  1. European believe that we are running our country incorrectly. I recently heard a very well respected educated European man say, "Sometimes we Europeans are sitting over here wishing that we could vote for you all so that you will make the right decision."
  2. Europeans think we are all fat.
  3. Europeans think that we all are workaholics.

My response:

  1. Why are you Europeans "sitting over there wishing"? Hmmm...maybe perhaps because you need us. So shhh...let the grown ups think in peace. Don't you have countries too? How 'bout you get working on 'em.
  2. Most of us are. So what?
  3. We are. So what? Perhaps maybe that's why we are in the position that we're in.

Dear Europeans,

For those of you who continue try to show your superiority by pointing our flaws, just to let you know, we don't care what you think. We are capitalists. You earn what you get. If you don't earn it, you luck out and get it. The beautiful part about our country is that we have the fortunate opportunity, as citizens, to live our entire lives NOT caring about what your rainy day was like. We are individualists, we help those who show that they deserve it, if you can't handle it -tough break. Here's what it comes down to, if it doesn't affect our every day life - we don't have to care what happens.

Also, we are your scapegoats because of our rank. We invade, you get upset and cry. We don't invade, you get upset and cry. Just shut it up. Here's the deal, those are our tax dollars going to support all of that crap you whine about, I should hope we get a return on our investment. That's what it is. At times, you get us through guilt...yea we have a heart, but don't get too carried away.


the fat capitalist

PS - I'm not fat.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

What the Focus?!

As I continue to go through life, I'm finding it harder to focus. You watch all these movies, and they seem to be able to do it just fine, but movies lapse the TRUE length of time they are supposed to be focused. They capture the interesting parts, not the boring parts. I guess the reason is something similar to how mainstream media/music only focus on the rich and the wealthy-looking. They don't show that they rented those cars and pieces of jewelry.

Let's be honest, being and staying focused is boring. It sucks. You miss out on going out with friends, spending your money on stupid shit like a larger TV, a new external hard drive, amp for your car. For those people that are attempting to make something bigger happen with their lives, they know exactly what I'm talking about. We work our butts off for results that might not even happen. You are working to "see if it will really work out." You infuse it with positivity, even though in the back of your head, you're thinking, "Oh shit."

As I begin to walk through a new phase of my life (something I worked hard to achieve), I find myself saying "Oh shit." I have been doing so many things at once for so long that to try to fathom just focusing on one thing seems impossible. In fact, I don't even know how to do that. So I have to continue doing what I do best. Taking a deep breath, and pretending that this is exactly what is supposed to happen. Every time something unexpected happens, take the moment in, and say "ok" and keep it going. "I KNEW that would happen. How unamusing."

Thursday, March 31, 2011

In the beginning...

I remember when I had this overwhelming feeling of love and beauty. It was never anything I could put into words. I have been in love for a long time it feels like, but it existed without there being another person to trigger it. It just existed. However, I lost it. I didn't really miss least I didn't think so. I think that feeling is the one that feels the best, but I prefer to never have.

I do remember when I went to Mexico, I listened to a lot of Me'Shell Ndegeocello, and I felt like by listening to her music, it continued to trigger that feeling. I was browsing Youtube, and came across this song. I never heard of it before because I was so focused on other songs. Anyhow, this is it.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Sexual Harassment in the workplace

I have been sexually harassed at every job that I've ever had, and it SUCKS! In my experience, it's been mostly from men. I just wanted to point out that it sucks. It happens even when you don't dress like a ho or say/entertain inappropriate conversation, it just happens. I remember dressing more like a shabby bum so as to bring less attention to myself, but that doesn't work. It's not that you have to be attractive, you just have to be what "they" want. "They" are predators. You didn't actually have to "do" anything. "They" do it all themselves. What really ticks me off are the women that don't want to believe you or say that, in some way, shape or form, you are enabling the situation. It's hard when the people that are supposed to be there to protect you don't want to hear it.

I quit my jobs only when the situation has gotten so bad that I don't feel comfortable being there. Like it's gotten so bad where you feel like you can't say anything to anybody.

My main option when I'm put in a horrible situation is to play it off like nothing happened, like "You're silly, man. It's all good." *hug* or *pat* I over compensate to make sure that a) they don't get violent and b) to make sure that they don't pick up on the fact that I'm completely mortified of you. If I freak out then you'll know there's a problem and might try to stay longer to "talk to me" or proactively start a lie to protect your name. Oh well...

I just wanted to express myself on that. It SUCKS!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Watching Mary Magdalene

When I studied abroad, I was obsessed with this artist. Her most popular songs are "Fool of me" from 'Love and Basketball' and "Trust". "Trust" is VERY sexual and can make any environment into an opportunity for a mistake...or the inevitable. However, "Mary Magdalene" always grabbed me. I think it has it's own level of mental struggle. I think my favorite line is "spend one night with me, satisfy me for free and I'll love you endlessly."

The sexuality of Me'Shell Ndegeocello has always been up and down. I think, based on some of her tracks, that her attraction to people is "gender free." Perhaps.

Either way. Enjoy.